Superannuation advice

Grow your retirement nest egg

Professional advice is vital to ensuring your super is working as hard as you are.

Superannuation is like a savings account for your retirement.

It’s made up of contributions from your employers over the course of your working life and is designed to support your lifestyle when you retire.

However, for many people it’s too easy for super to slip into the background. They only realise its significance when it’s already crunch time for their financial future.

That’s why the best advice we can give you is the sooner you get on top of your superannuation, the better off you’ll be in the long run.

Supercharge your superannuation

Chances are that during your forties and fifties you will be at your peak earning potential, so it is the perfect time to be saving more and mapping out your future.

Our team can help you navigate the complexities of superannuation from finding the correct super fund (including DIY super options) and strategies for your super, to the tax benefits of super contributions, how to access your super, and much more.

The Collective Financial Partners team has a long and successful track record of delivering personalised superannuation advice that not just meets but exceeds the expectations of our clients.

We’d love to do the same for you.

Super facts

  • Super is a crucial part of Australia’s retirement landscape
  • Internationally, Australia has the 5th largest pension market in the world
  • Total superannuation assets were $3.5 trillion at the end of the June 2023 quarter
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